Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Going for a Drive

One of my besty bests came out to visit last weekend. We had an awesome time, but it became apparent how much older we have become. Sure, the first night we were immature. We had a blast waving and screaming "Thank you for coming!" to people leaving the Mercy Lounge from the bar's balcony. (So fun!)

However, instead of planning the next Backstreet Boys roadtrip, we were now talking about planning families, our work benefits, and the best mortgage options. After a grown-up brunch, we went for a drive. Yes, a drive.

I remember being so bored as a kid, and bummed beyond belief when Mom and Dad wanted to take us on a drive. No destination in mind, just drive and look at houses. I'd cover my face, being completely embarrassed at the slow speed my father was going, hoping the person behind us wouldn't beep. Now, I wish I could go back in time and appreciate those drives. Sometimes, my parents would walk through the Open Houses held at mansions in Newport, R.I.

As we cruised around a gorgeous community, we thought about doing the same.

I heart a good drive.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Aww I never saw this until now! I heart you my friend!